
It turns out there's a lot of work between writing a proposal for something and then bringing that something to life. In preparing for my very first poster presentation, I've come to understand that like with many endeavors, the work you end up doing often seems much different than what you envisioned in your head.

In part, I think this is because the more you dive into something, and the more you think about said something, the greater it changes your own understanding of it.

In my case, I proposed a two-hour workshop which ended up being  accepted as a poster. The poster format left me puzzled at first, but once I understood the challenge was for me to distill the heart of my ideas into something that was straight-forward and cohesive, I embraced it.

Another motivating factor? Seeing this on the ASHA Connect Schedule:

Screenshot of "Repeat After Me: Making the Most of Interpreters in Clinical Practice (PS03)" poster session online.

I've spent countless hours researching, writing, editing, re-writing, and researching again, and finally have something I'm proud to have put together. I have more questions at this point than I do answers, but nonetheless I can't wait to share what I've learned.